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SAE’s New Members Contract Head-Shoulders-Knees-and-Toes Disease

After the notorious bout of hand-foot-mouth disease first semester, Eagle Row thought their run-ins with obscure diseases had come to an end. This weekend (after several mixers) it was discovered that this is, in fact, not the case. Members of sororities that mixed with SAE reported itching and redness on various body parts. Specifically, it seems that the rash was concentrated in areas on their heads, shoulders, knees, and toes. Like hand-foot-mouth, head-shoulders-knees-and-toes affects those with child-like hygiene, but the latter infection has never been found in a person older than ten years old.

Delta Delta Delta sophomore Chelsea Townes reached out to The Spoke to discuss her frustration with this weekend’s results, “Not only was I hungover, but SAE gave me a fucking rash.” When we asked her to describe her symptoms, she reported also feeling discomfort in her eyes, ears, mouth and nose. The CDC isn’t the only place in Atlanta that discovers new diseases; Eagle Row is making its way to the top in the medical field!

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