The Office of Campus Life has launched a new program called ‘Live Well, Speak Well,’ a movement to reduce the use of insulting or insensitive remarks and replace them with phrases that increase positivity and acceptance. A spokesperson from the…
The Emory Spoke
The Stacks – According to sources close to the student, freshman John Bollinger is reportedly spending valuable, unrecoverable hours of his life studying for Health 100’s new midterm. Bollinger, like all humans, will eventually reach a time where he will…
Word spread at the speed of a psychology major’s unemployment benefits last week when the college party film crew I’m Shmacked declared Emory a “top party school” and announced that they would be hosting a filmed party for Emory students. When…
What? No, I’m Not Drunk! Excuse me, what? No, I am not drunk, Chelsea! How could I possibly be drunk right now, I’ve barely even had a drink all night! Wow. I finally express my love for you, and the…