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What Emory students are thankful for this year

As Thanksgiving approaches, students across campus are getting ready to eat turkey and spend time with their lowkey racist relatives. Despite the fun that Thanksgiving can bring, it is also a time of reflection. A reporter positioned on Cox bridge asked passing students what they are thankful for this year.

“I’m thankful that it’s not even cold here. This is basically summer!” -Some dick from up north, probably New York

“OMG, it’s literally Christmas! Who even cares about Thanksgiving anymore?” -Girl whose ideal date is going to Target

“Fuck off.” -Unknown student

“I’m thankful for freshman girls!” -AEPi Senior

“Every morning I wake up and am thankful for the opportunity to play a sport in college.” -Division III athlete wasting their time

“I’m thankful that I’m getting this bread!” -Boy whose tinder profile says “RIP Vine :/”

“Thank god for coffee! It’s the only way I can get through my day!” -Person who thinks getting 3 hours of sleep a night is a flex

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