One of the most pressing questions among Emory’s freshman class is why anyone would want to take a bath in a restroom that is shared by your whole floor. “I’d rather swim in the SAE pool than take a bath in Dobbs ground floor restroom,” commented Lori Burnett, a human health major. Emory maintenance was asked how often the bathtubs are cleaned, but their only response was laughter. Despite complaints, there always seems to be one person with no problem using the bath when other people are in the restroom. Even after being told about the germs he was basically soaking in, Lewis Rollins said that he didn’t care because he needs his “bubbly baths to unwind.”
Bathtubs in communal restrooms: why?
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I wouldn’t be afraid to take a shower or (in Lewis Rollins’ case) a bubbly bath in communal bath.