After the horrible events of this past year, activism has evolved to new heights, and no organization has better encapsulated racial equality than America’s white saviors proud allies, the ladies of America’s sororities. And no sorority has strived more for change than Emory’s Alpha Delta Pi.
ADPi’s party planning committee spent hours trying to come up with the best possible bid day theme of 2021, that would not only say, “We are hot, popular, fun women,” but also “We acknowledge the atrocities committed by our ancestors,” and the Black Lives Matter bid day theme was formed.
They pulled out all the stops. They bought black and brown streamers. Every flask contained a dark liquor. One girl even managed to convince her black friend to attend, before immediately leaving. Unfortunately, what started with questionable intentions ended with what some bystanders called “a tone-deaf mockery of a serious issue” and “a disgusting display of exactly what we’re trying to correct in this country.”
How were the caucasion women of ADPi to know that screaming a parody of ‘This Is America’ in “I Can’t Breathe” shirts or taking pictures in front of their black-out backdrop might come off a tad racist? It’s clear that these ladies had no bad intentions, as every apology video contained both tears and cleavage.
The Emory Spoke reached out to ADPi’s chapter president for a statement, but unfortunately, the black tape she had put over her mouth has yet to come off, so all we were able to catch was a moving humming of ‘Amazing Grace.’
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