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What to Do Once You’ve Killed Your Roommate and How To Get Away With It

Oh! So you’ve killed your roommate? No judgment, we’ve all been there. Here at the Spoke, we have compiled a list of helpful tips and tricks on how to get away with a very relatable form of murder.


  1. Tell your RA that your roommate is always at their significant other’s place, so that’s why they haven’t seen your roommate in a while. Maybe this is embarrassing for you though, you single pringle. However, maybe you get better sleep that way if your roommate isn’t constantly sexiling you now?
  2. Spray your roommate’s perfume/cologne near your door every so often so passersby get the aura that your roommate is still there/the scent masks the stench of death. Death is stinky. Just like your roommate it seems.
  3. Figure out their passwords and make sure they still look active on their social media. This may be hard. Your roommate is very active on VSCO for some reason
  4. Consider moving states and changing identities. You probably already have a fake ID, so it shouldn’t be too hard. Try a new haircut you’ve been thinking about!
  5. Probably get arrested. 


Have fun in prison!


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