The Kitchen: Now known as the Dobbs Distancing Table, or the DDT. Dangerous chemical who? Now, this fun abbreviation refers to your chicken repository away from school, minus the angry old man that shoos you away from the gluten free…
Posts tagged as “rm”
DECEMBER 11, 2019—On what is clearly stated as Reading Day in the Emory 2019 Course Schedule, there have been multiple reports of professors holding “review sessions” at the same time and location at which their classes have been held all…
Art. It’s so personal, so intimate so… je ne sais quoi. There is such an intangible quality to art that resonates with us, which is why it makes it especially difficult to let go once we realize it’s time has…
2:21 AM Local woman Shirley Bates wakes in a cold sweat in her quiet bedroom, shuddering with the lingering effects of a haunting vision. “It seemed like a dream because I was asleep, but I just knew it was a…