Liberal Southern Men
What better way to pay homage to all of the Southern Tide-wearing, Obama-voting men who walk our dear campus so then naming Emory’s largest residence hall after them. Clearly the best dorm on campus, LSM is the perfect representation of that white boy in your soc class who’s probably a feminist but still makes you question if he thinks slavery should still exist.
Love Sir Mussolini
Why not celebrate everyone’s favorite Italian dictator??? Nothing says quintessential freshman year quite like planning Fascist rebellions and plotting the downfall of those damn Allied powers.
poLitical Science Major
You’re not a disappointment to your parents… yet.
Live Slow Motion
Getting high is fun. But getting high in your freshman dorm is a thrill paralleled by very few things. The rush of wondering if your RA is going to catch you, eating all the microwaved mac and cheese your mom sent you and passing out mere feet from your bed…there’s nothing quite like life in slow motion.
The Emory Spoke does not endorse drug use. Especially not on Emory University Property. *Wink!*
Little Sex Machine
It’s about time we pay respect to all of our short kings.
Lethality, Survivability, Mobility
Your first year of college is all about survival. It’s kill or be killed. And although though chem is making you contemplate whichever option will take you out of your misery first, you’ll probably be fine, even if your GPA isn’t.
hilLary killed jeffery epSteinM
Big rooms=more space to hide the body
The fact that the hall was named after Augustus Baldwin Longstreet, former president of Emory College, and not General James Longstreet, causes this joke to fall flat on its face.
“hilLary killed jeffery epSteinM” is a high IQ post though.